Welcome to Tula

balance within

Using the guiding principles of Ayurveda,  we can live attuned to nature’s principles and experience a happy, harmonious life, free from illness and disease.

A warm welcome

Ayurveda is an ancient science and way of life, and it’s knowledge is vast. It can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming to delve into a whole new way of thinking, especially one that may contradict a lot of what we’ve been told until this point. So, I invite you to explore this world with a gentle, child-like curiosity, an open, wonder-full mind, and watch as you discover how the principles of nature can be so easily applied to our selves. In fact, it is the very essence of  what we are! Over time, it’s wisdom will become second nature to you, and you will begin to intuitively sense what it is your being needs to stay balanced in its optimum state.

peach flower

60 min Ayurvedic Consultation

When you book a consultation, I will send you a detailed questionnaire that adopts a holistic approach to your health. Your answers will help me identify areas of imbalance, which we will then address together during the consultation. 

Follow-up consultations will allow us to keep track of progress and continue to move deeper into the wisdom that is offered here. 

Ayurveda is a way of life, so a true dedication to your well-being is needed as you embark on this journey. 

It is my honour to support you on your journey to true health and vitality. 

3 consulations over 6 months


6 consultations over 12 months


What's my dosha?

Ayurveda applies the five elements; earth, water, fire, air and space to appreciate the inner and outer functions of the human body and mind, and recognises that every being is a unique combination of these elements. These five elements are categorised into three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha.  Discovering which dosha(s) are dominant in you, allows for more personalised guidance as to what you need to experience balance within.

What others have gained

Your testimony here

Testimony coming soon 🙂

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Time-travelling testimony

Testimony brb