Dosha Questionnaire
What is a dosha?
The three doshas are subcategories of the five elements:
Vata – ether and air
Pitta – fire and a little water
Kapha – water and earth
They each take care of different functions in the body and mind (e.g Vata/wind takes care of movement). When there is too much or too little of a dosha, optimum functioning of the body is impaired and symptoms occur.
Every one of us has a unique constitution known as Prakruti. Knowing what our Prakruti is enables us to recognise what optimum health looks like for us as an individual. It determines what you need to strive towards in order to be health, balanced and alive.
There is also what’s known as your Vikruti, which is your current state of imbalance.
In order to determine both your Prakruti (your guiding light) and you Vikruti (your current state) I have created a questionnaire which you can download below.
A few things to consider when completing the questionnaire:
Be honest. Mark what is really true, not what you would like to be true.
if you are unsure about an answer, mark what has been true from your childhood until now; your natral tendancies
Do not take words as negative or attach any connotations to them if you can. (if you do notice you attach meaning to it, use it as an opportunity to examine your beliefs!)
If there is a comparison in the question, it is according to your race (e.g. skin shade, dark/light)
Discover your Prakruti
So, what to do with this information?
There are a plethora of resources online for you to research more about what might be healthy for you, based on your results. I remind you to appreciate that this approach is different to what we are used to in the West. Ayurveda is not a fixed rulebook of do’s and dont’s, it is a moving paradigm which is designed to bring you back to your innate inner knowing and wisdom. If something does not resonate with you, then it’s not for you at this time. Trust yourself, examine what works for you and what doesn’t, and enjoy the process of getting to know your body, mind and spirit in a new way.
If you would like to explore what your Prakriti/Vikruti means to you in more depth, use the contact from below to arrange a consultation.
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I would be honoured to assist you on your journey to experience long lasting health, well-being and balance within.